How does mobile phones work in real life?

How does mobile phones work

How does mobile phones work?For most of us, mobile phones are a part of our lives. But I can certainly say that there will be such a question in your mind that how can calls from mobile phones. And why are different generations of mobile communication?

Let’s know about the technology behind mobile communication.

When you talk to your phone, your phone’s microphone can listen to your voice, and then the microphone turns your voice into a digital signal with the help of a sensor. Digital Signals your voice is as simple as 0 and 1. An antenna inside your phone receives the signal of 0 and 1. And drives them into electromagnetic waves. To operate the signal of electromagnetic waves 0 and 1, the properties of waves like amplitude frequency phase or their composition varies.

For example, for friction, then 0 and 1 are operated in the form of low and high frequencies, respectively. So if you find out how to send electromagnetic waves to your friend’s phone, you will be able to make a call. But the electromagnetic wave is not able to cover a longer distance. These waves are destroyed due to physical objects and some environmental factors.

The electronic waves cannot always exist

If there is no such problem, the waves cannot still exist in the form of the curve of the earth. To solve this problem, cell towers were built using cellular technology. In a cellular technique, a geographical area is divided into eight riddled or Ashti Konya cells. In which each cell has its tower and frequency slot.

National and international connectivity

Typically they are connected by cell tower wires. Or specifically, the optical fiber is connected to the cable. These optical fiber cables are laid underground or ocean so that national and international connectivity can be created. The electromagnetic waves produced by your phone reaches the tower in your cell, and there they are converted into high-frequency line pulse.

What is use for base transceiver?

These light pulses are sent to the base transceiver box based on the tower’s basis for signal processing. After processing, the voice signal is sent to the destination tower. On receiving the pulses in the destination tower, the destination tower transmits them into electromagnetic waves and transmits them out. And your friend’s phone accepts those signals. This signal passes through the right vomiting process. And your friend can hear your voice.

Mobile communication is not completely wireless

So it is true that mobile communication is not entirely wireless. In this, wired media is also used. In this way, mobile communication is done. But there is another major problem. Which we have not yet deliberately answered. Mobile communication can only succeed if you send the tower signal to your friend’s phone.

But how does your tower know that your friend is in the cell tower area? Well, this process helps the cell tower with the Mobile Switching Center

Mobile switching center (MSC)

This is the centre point. Before moving forward, know better about MSC. When you buy a SIM card. So all the information related to the membership is registered in the MSC. This MSc is your home MSc. Home MSc Your service plan stores information like your current status and status of your activity.

If you move out of your home MSc range, then a new MSc provides you services, which comes in Foreign MSc as soon as you go into the field of Foreign MSc. It contacts your home MSc. Straightforwardly, your Home MSc always knows what MSc area you are in. To understand this, which cell area is within the subscribed MSc area?

The MSC uses some techniques. One way is that the subscriber’s location is updated after a certain period. When the phone crosses the number of a predefined tower, the location is updated again. The last location in it is when the phone was turned on.

Let’s understand these processes with an example.

Suppose Elon Musk calls a number of Larry Page. And the call request form asks the MSc. After getting Larry Page number, the request is sent to Larry Page Home MSc. Now Larry Page MSc detects his current MSc. If Larry Page is in his home MSc, the call request will be immediately sent to the location of the current lion.

And it will also check that Larry Page is not already on a call. Or its mobile is not locked. If everything is right, then Larry Page’s phone ring will start playing. And calls will be connected, but if Larry Page is not in his home MSc, Larry Page Home MSc will send a request for a call from foreign MSc. To know the position of the Foreign MSc Larry Page, repeat the process explained earlier and then calls will be made.

Let’s now talk about why the frequency spectrum is so important in mobile phone communication.

0 and 1 that every subscriber is assigned a frequency range to send digital communication. But the frequency spectrum available for cellular communication is limited. While Bellion Subscribes exist in the world. Two techniques are taken to solve this problem.

One frequency distribution is the slot and the second. Multiple access techniques in puzzle technology, different friction slots are differently decorated with different cell towers. In the Multiple Access Technique, the frequency slot is divided efficiently among active users in the cell field.

Type of different generation of mobile technology?

1G mobile technology

For the first time in 1G, it is possible to keep the phone without wire. But there were two big problems with Van Gee. The first problem was that wireless broadcast was in Analog Format.

Analog signal can be easily replaced by external factors. So the quality of the sound and quality of the security was terrible. The other problem was that Frequency Division Multiple Express the technique was used, which used the available spectrum in a flowing manner. For these reasons, the path of the second generation of mobile communication was paved.

2G mobile technology

Digital multi-access technology was used in 2G, where TDMA and CDMA technology went. And in the second generation, a revolutionary data services SMS And Internet browsing have also been brought.

3G mobile technology

3G Technology was created keeping in mind the high speed of data transfer, including using WCD Multiple Access technologies and increasing bandwidth to achieve this goal. With 2 Mbps 3G speeds, users could send GPS data and voice call data. 3G was a huge change to turn the phone into a smartphone.

4G mobile technology

Came forward 4G which received a speed of 20 to 100 MBPS, which was suitable for high-resolution movies and television. It was possible due to high speed over multiple access technology and MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output).

MIMO Use for multiple transmitter-receiver antennas within both the mobile phone and the tower.

5G mobile technology

The next generation of mobile communication is 5G which will soon be in the market. And it will use more advanced mimo techniques and millimetre waves. It will provide hassle-free connectivity to support Internet Things like driver’s car and smart home etc.

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About Sac Jag

I am SACHIN, (Microsoft.Net Developer) I am working on technologies like C#.Net, ASP.NET, Crystal Report etc. Through this blog, I am trying to sharing good information which I have been learned every day related to the moultiple topic. Thanks!

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