Managing Hyperthyroidism Acne

Hyperthyroidism Acne

Secretion of thyroid hormones T3 and T4.

Hyperthyroidism acne is the clinical condition in which the thyroid hormones are produced in excess by the body.

There are many causes that are linked to this abnormally increased secretion of thyroid hormones T3 and T4. Graves’ disease, thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland) and nodule formation can cause hyperthyroidism.

This can literally disrupt metabolism and other interacting hormones in the body.

The common signs and symptoms

The common signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism include restlessness, anxiety, sleep disorders, changes in appetite, increase in blood pressure, palpitations, menstrual disorders etc.

Some of the other commonly observed and physically visible effects of hyperthyroidism are appearance of rashes and acne. .

The general sites that occurs is the face, back and rarely on the extremities. They appear in the form of small cysts that can generally disappear on their own but keep reappearing.

Since there is a major imbalance of hormones, is not that an unbelievable occurrence.

Moreover, certain factors symptoms of hyperthyroidism can aggravate the appearance of acne.

For example, disturbed sleep or inadequate rest can increase stress, resulting in the formation of acne. 

Hyperthyroidism acne can be a result of changes in appetite and menstrual disorders as well.

With change in the energy utilization and disturbed homeostasis, can be a commonly seen symptom. Acne can really cause certain psychological disturbance as well.

Elevated thyroid hormones

Elevated thyroid hormones cause hyperthyroidism, which, in turn, disrupts the hormones in the body causing stress and stress in turn aggravates the symptoms of hyperthyroidism like hyperthyroidism acne! It is a vicious cycle.

Thus, treating the root cause can result in the permanent cure of hyperthyroidism acne.

Treating hyperthyroidism includes administration of anti-thyroid drugs or iodine or hormone replacement.

Very important role.

In some cases, removal of the gland itself through a surgery is indicated. Most of the times, the medication to control the hormones needs to be take for life and other factors like diet, exercise and healthy life style play a very important role.

Such changes in the daily routine can help treating thyroid disorder and eventually.

There are some methods by which hyperthyroidism acne can be managed individually. Keeping the face clean, by washing it frequently every day is helpful.

Care should be taken not to overuse soap, while washing the face as it can make the skin, very dry. This removes oil and sebum from forming and clearing the skin pores.

Staying away from pollution and covering the face in dust helps to keep the face clean and free from hyperthyroidism acne.

Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water

Staying hydrated by drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water every day along with a healthy diet full of green vegetables can, in fact, give that radiance to skin. 

Should never be scratched on or squeezed. Scratching can leave permanent blemishes over the face.

Regular detoxification by natural means is an effective way to be free of hyperthyroidism acne.

Maintaining food timings, consuming more salads, exercising daily and exposure to sunlight can control metabolism, thereby reducing the occurrence of pimples.

Natural care has also proved to be effective in the management of hyperthyroidism acne.

Application of aloe vera over the face is helpful in treating acne and removing scars left by previous ones.

Use of rose water and vinegar is also a powerful toner of the skin and effective in managing hyperthyroidism acne. Consumption of food rich in antioxidants and vitamins can prove beneficial as well.

Though a common manifestation, can be very disheartening. Most often, with the successful treatment of hyperthyroidism, acne disappears.

In case of prolonged hyperthyroidism acne, in spite of taking suitable treatment, it would be best to consult the doctor.If you like this, please share with your friends or relatives who can get some good information also Like & write your comment below.

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Also see: More About Hyperthyroidism and Osteoporosis (Opens in a new tab) 

About Sac Jag

I am SACHIN, (Microsoft.Net Developer) I am working on technologies like C#.Net, ASP.NET, Crystal Report etc. Through this blog, I am trying to sharing good information which I have been learned every day related to the moultiple topic. Thanks!

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